Tentang Kami

Kami menyediakan solusi logistik lengkap untuk pengangkutan barang melalui laut dengan layanan terbaik dan harga kompetitif.

Three stacked shipping containers are visible, with the top one labeled 'China Shipping' in bold white letters. A clear blue sky serves as the background, and there is a vertical metal pole on the right side of the image.
Three stacked shipping containers are visible, with the top one labeled 'China Shipping' in bold white letters. A clear blue sky serves as the background, and there is a vertical metal pole on the right side of the image.
A red delivery truck is moving at high speed under an overpass on a wet road. The motion blur suggests fast movement, and the reflections on the pavement indicate recent rainfall. The truck has the word 'FORWARDERS' written on its side.
A red delivery truck is moving at high speed under an overpass on a wet road. The motion blur suggests fast movement, and the reflections on the pavement indicate recent rainfall. The truck has the word 'FORWARDERS' written on its side.

Layanan PT. Karya Mitra Sarana Samudera sangat memuaskan. Pengiriman barang cepat dan harga terjangkau. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk kebutuhan logistik Anda.

Budi Santoso

Aerial view of a large shipping yard filled with numerous colorful cargo containers arranged in neat rows. The containers display various company names and logos, with colors including blue, red, green, and yellow, creating a vivid patchwork. The scene is busy yet organized, indicative of a hub for goods transportation.
Aerial view of a large shipping yard filled with numerous colorful cargo containers arranged in neat rows. The containers display various company names and logos, with colors including blue, red, green, and yellow, creating a vivid patchwork. The scene is busy yet organized, indicative of a hub for goods transportation.


Lokasi Kami

Kami beroperasi di berbagai lokasi untuk memberikan layanan logistik terbaik, termasuk pengangkutan barang melalui laut dan transportasi darat.


Jl. Logistik No. 123


08:00 - 17:00